

I am a registered dietitian with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and the British Dietetic Association. As such, I abide by a professional code of conduct and will only provide or support evidence-based, justifiable information and advice. I have also signed up to RDs4Disclosure and pledged to blog with integrity. This means I am bound by an ethical code of conduct and will not provide false or misleading information.

The advice I provide on this website is aimed at the adult general public, and does not replace personally tailored advice given by your own dietitian, doctor or nurse.

In order to maintain patient confidentiality, please use the contact form if you have an enquiry that requires divulging personal information.

The Blog

I aim to use my blog as a platform for sharing my scientific knowledge and dietetic expertise, providing the tools to help you make healthier food choices. I encourage a balanced, holistic approach promoting lifestyle changes that can be sustained. Hence, I encourage all foods to be eaten in moderation as part of a healthy balanced diet and do not believe that foods can be classed as ‘good’ and ‘bad’.

I blog about topics that are interesting to me as a dietitian, often inspired by articles I read in the media, emerging dietetic research and things I come across in my everyday life. The intention is to provide you with a professional opinion on common misconceptions while informing you about the latest scientific developments. My blog posts contain a mixture of my personal and professional life; however any specific recommendations are from the objective view of a dietitian.

Professionally and personally, I am continually learning. Therefore I do not claim to know everything, but I have the knowledge and resources to research the evidence. As evidence in the field of dietetics is constantly evolving, older blog posts may contain out of date information. Please contact me if you have a query about this.

If you are following a specialist diet, it is your responsibility to ensure that ingredients used in recipes are suitable for your consumption. If my recipes are marked as ‘gluten free’ it is still your responsibility to check that each ingredient used is labelled ‘gluten free’ as ingredients and products vary on their gluten content depending on the brand/processing methods.

Sponsorship and Advertisements

All opinions and reviews on this website are my own and 100% honest; no form of sponsorship or incentive will influence the content. Any reviews of products are based on my personal taste preferences and the nutritional analysis is based on my professional observation and training as a dietitian. However, in the interest of blogging ethically and transparently, any financial or professional interest will be declared. If I received the product as a free sample, or acquired any money or gift as a result of expressing those views, it will be clearly noted on that specific post. Having said this, I will only blog about companies and products that correlate with my dietary beliefs and would already recommend. I do not advocate unfounded claims about particular products or promote one brand over another.

Please contact me should you have any questions regarding the above.

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